Hi there
I have recently installed edge inspect and when i try to connect the devices i onlt get waiting for connection. I am using the free version so i know i can only
connect to one device at a time. So i have installed edge inspect on my desktop and on my HTC X One. Its a work environement that i am in so i have disconnected the works internet and have set up a dongle so that the PC and the Phone are both on the same WIFI
So the steps i am taking are
- disoconnect my works intenet from my pc
- turn dongle on so PC is on the wifi and the device is on the wifi
- turn on edge inspect on my PC and the Chrome extension
- turn it on on my device
- all i get is waiting for connection
- i have tried connection via ip address and it does not work
- i have installed and uninstalled all the apps and edge inspect on my pc
Im a bit stuck here can you help